Monday, April 30, 2012


Intro-introducing “SS-T”, producer/recording artist .7:30 Apparel hooked up wit the super $tar for an exclusive interview but before we jump into the interview lets take way back……………..


SS-T was born Shaun Munashe Nyagumbo on the 30th of September 1991 as the first child and grand-child of the Nyagumbo clan.SS-T lived in Harare for the beginning part of his life, this early life brought memories, joys and heartaches that he talks about in his music, especially in his long over-due mixtape (SS-T.A.R: The Mixtape Album)  that he is currently working on. SS-T went on to move to the mining town if Redcliff, that is located on the outskirts of KweKwe in late 2000 with his pregnant mother. SS-T defines it as the turning point in his life as this is where his love for music fertilised.

Upon moving to Redcliff, the first family he met was the Njonga’s, whose children would go on to have the greatest influence his life and music. SS-T enrolled at his third school, Camelot Primary School when he was in fourth grade. It was here where he joined the school orchestra, and in a short period he became lead-recorder player for the soprano section of the orchestra and was awarded with an honorary recorder by an American music teacher. SS-T also took part in Allied Art festivals where he won a few certificates. But unfortunately due to financial constraints, the primary section of the school closed down. SS-T then went to move to his fourth school, Goldridge Primary School.

SS-T and Ashley Njonga went on to grow closer as friends and years later in 2004/2005 they created what they called The Cashley Dynasty, through the nickname that Ashley was given “Cashley Banks”due to his love for flamboyancy. The Cashley Dynasty went to become a record label. Cash and SS-T would spend hours rapping using Acid Pro 4.0 and Skype headphones. But tragedy struck in 2006.Ashley “Mel Cashley Banks” Njonga was tragically killed in a vehicle accident in the early morning of November 12, 2006. This shattered SS-T as him and Cash had what he now terms “The Last Talk” on November 10, 2006 and Cash said some touching things to him. SS-T went on to assume the reigns of The Dynasty, but it proved too much of a huge task for him, the shoes were too big to fill.

Meanwhile at school, SS-T enrolled back at Camelot School, at their high school section in 2004, though he had to attend the prestigious Falcon College. It’s at Camelot School where he subsequently got the name SS-T. It started off as Star Shaun, the Star coming from his love of stars, his one friend, Cornelius Smit started calling him Star, and thus he took on Star Shaun, though he maintains that the “T” in his stage name will be a mystery that will be revealed through his music.

SS-T then decided to take music seriously in 2008, after writing music for fun, trying to revive the passion since his tragic loss. At the same time SS-T became close with another of the Njonga children, this time it would be their youngest daughter Anitah Njonga. Though initially they were referred to as “cousins” due to their family bond, though in actual fact they were not, SS-T developed an emotional attraction for the teenage beau. Anitah and SS-T hooked up in late 2008 and their love for each other created a beautiful daughter named Valerie Makanaka “Lil Star” Nyagumbo that SS-T conceived at aged 17, she went to be born in England in 2010. The Valerie being from SS-T’s late aunt’s name and Makanaka from the mother, and we all know where “Lil Star” comes from.

SS-T continued on his musical path and he met 2 great influences through their mutual friend, Dobson. SS-T met The Pemba Brothers, McPherson “Dj MacClassic” Pemba and Lawrence “L.A.P” Pemba. Most of the productions on SS-T’s mixtape are done by these two. They have helped SS-T as an artist and also as a producer and maintain a good friendship. SS-T also established a solid friendship with another producer Jae Mac, who ironically learnt at Camelot’s rival school, but they are such good friends. SS-T will be featuring his cousin Jennifer Mwashita, who does incredible vocals.

Jennifer Mwashita
Jennifer Mwashita

As we move years down the timeline. SS-T is now looking at starting a record label and is looking at going to the next level. SS-T loves music and business, always looking to make a profit somewhere somehow.


How did the artist/band get their name?
I got it in High school; I had/have this obsession with stars. So my one friend called me Star Shaun, i.e. the SS, but as for the T, that will remain a mystery.

I was born in Gweru, raised in Redcliff and Harare. I regard them latter two as my hometowns.

When & why did u become interested in music?
I have always been interested in music. I was lead soprano recorder player in Grade 4 for the school orchestra and received Allied Arts accolades in primary school. I became more serious about music in 2004/2005 though

So far what has been the proudest moment of your career?
My proudest moment? Wow, that’s a tough one. I will say it was producing a tribute instrumental for the tragically deceased Yemurai Kanyangarara (may he shine in peace), I’m still looking for the right quality of artist to perform on it.

If you could collabo with anyone, who would it be and why?
As a recording artist it would be Kirk Franklin he is a sensational Christian Rapper, I love music and message, Keri Hilson she has a sensational voice, Cynthia Mare arguably has the best Zimbabwean voice, would love to do a ballad with her, Cindy: has powerful vocals. Jay-Z: he is the best rapper alive, Drake: his versatility, he can rap and sing and I relate to his music in my life and iLL Ceey he has hard bars as a rapper.

As a producer it would be Dr Dre: Come on do you need to ask why? Scott Storch: he makes amazing beats from Lean Back to Just A Lil Bit to Make It Rain, J.U.S.T.I.C.E League: I love their beats too especially, arguably their best in my ears, Billionaire by Rick Ross, Kanye West: He reminds me of me, in the sense that he is a perfectionist with his instrumentals and his passion. I feel I share the same passion, I put my soul in all my beats and T-Collar I applaud the way he has diversified his production since his days with Zimbabwean Hip Hop crew Swagga Boyz and Jae Mac I’m actually working on a collabo production with him at present, he is my go-to guy when I need inspiration and a second opinion on my beats. We challenge each other as industry compatriots.

Who are your top musicians?
Locally/Regionally: Oliver “Tuku” Mtukudzi, Winky D, Cynthia Mare, Cindy, iLL Ceey, TehN Diamond, Q-Rigga, Decibal, Jozi, Zahara, Entity and Skwatta Kamp (when the last two were still together).

Internationally: Sade, Jay-Z, Drake, Keri Hilson, Kanye West, Adele, Jojo, Young Jeezy, Beyonce, Leona Lewis, Rick Ross, Skylar Gray.

You play any instruments
I used to play the recorder haven’t done so in a minute though, changes in my lifestyle being the main reason. I don't know how to play piano very well, but I can compose music on one, confusing? I know.

Which famous musicians have you learned from?
Diddy, 50 Cent, J.R Rotem, J.U.S.T.I.C.E League.

What can we expect from you in 10 years?
Well I'm in the process of establishing a record label so expect a lot is the most I can disclose at present.

Do you perform in public describe those occasions
I have only performed once, at a university function. It was exhilarating. At the time, I performed songs on my still-in-production mixtape (SS-T.A.R: The Mix tape Album) and the way the audience was vibing with me by the second chorus and was receptive to my music was just amazing, nothing brighter than that.

How do handle mistake during a performance?
I try not to make mistakes, but when I do. I quickly twist up the lyrics and then try to bring the song back on track ASAP.

Do any of you get nervous during performances?
I always get nervous, since I was younger. I would get terrible stage-fright, I used to give speeches at every Prize-Giving event annually, but once I hit the stage and have the crowd vibing with me, then I'm all stars.

What advice would u give to new comers?
Be yourself. Music doesn’t want the next Jay, next Jacko, next Whitney, Winky, Stunner, whoever. They want the next you, something different and new.

How do you balance your music with other obligations?
It’s hard, but I’m putting more emphasis in my school work at present, then with music I'm mostly focused on producing and that I only do when I'm inspired. I wish there were more hours in a day considering that my mixtape is dropping this year.

Where do you think your largest fan?
*If this refers to fan-base* then I believe it is UK and US, according to my reverbnation page (

What is the furthest show you have done from home?
Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

What has been the worst nightmare for you & how did you get through it?
At one point I thought that my laptop had crashed and I hadn’t backed up all my data. I felt like my stomach was scrunching up and dissolving, but it miraculously started working again. Thank God.

If you could categorize your music, what genre would you it best fit? (Name 2)
Hip Hop and Rap, that’s referring to my recorded music, but I try and produce all genres of instrumentals, though I tend to focus on Hip Hop and RnB.

Last but not least what do think of 7:30 Apparel?
Hahaha!!! I’m feeling it, a new Zim vibe. I like what y’all are doing, the clothing is good. Hook me up with a shirt.

“Without music Expression of feelings is limited.
Music is and has a way of making you zone out of real life
I rap because that is the best  way to express my feelings and understand life.”

The Era of The Starz sparks up and shines on. Don’t dim out. *$hine on Sight*. *$tarz Out*…*$S-T*


star of the month

star of the month