K.arma, ahh. We so what we
reap….We reap what we sow! we reap what we sow .The law of cause and effect.
And we are all under this law…..
A couple dayz ago I got a
chance to talk to a very popular HRE based rapper, K.arma and was able to
uncover a lot of information about one of the best up and coming artists in
the game great noww!!!!……
Name? Karma
How did you get your name? The name Karma is derived the law of itself;
I’m a huge fan of esotericism
When did your career in music start? My career actually hasn’t started yet, im
still to release my official album and mixtape as well, right now im just building
the hype coz im still going to school
From your songs which one is your favorite? My favorite so far is throw your hands up
feat Jrock
if you could
collabo with anyone, who would it be and why? I’d really love to do a track with Rocqui coz
I relate to him a lot
What projects are you currently working on? Im currently working on my first EP
Did you have a
mentor for your career? If
yes who? What did they benefit your career? Yeah I’m really inspired by Nas, I
follow his every move, his very introspective it makes me analyze myself and my
So what part of h town did you grow up in?
grew up in Marlborough
Do you get nervous during performances?
I don’t get nervous been a performer from the
What advice would u give to new comers?
I’d say be you, that’s the simplest way to
put it
How do feel you differ from rest of the music
I feel I put a lotta me in my music and
that’s how you are defined
How do you
balance your music with other obligations?
Sometimes I get stuff mixed up but I really
try to stick to a time table
So far
what has been the proudest moment of your career?
The first time I got on tv.lol
What is the furthest show you have done from home?
The furthest was in Bindura
What has been the worst nightmare for you & how
did you get through it? The worst was
dismantling my first EP, I just had to move on coz that’s what it is
If you
could categorize your music, what genre would you it best fit?
My music is Hip-Hop really, hard poetry kinda.
Finally what do yall’ think of 7:30 Apparel?
7:30 apparel the best